Event Reporting
- Surf trip rocked. Pictures need to be sent to Anthony for posting.
- Bar night also rocked. Again, pictures need to be sent to Anthony.
- James is in charge of this one.
President Update
- Town Hall: Relative success, vast majority approve of separating EE and CS for next town hall.
- Faculty Lunch: Huge success, faculty extremely receptive and responsive.
- Proposed ideas: Student/faculty mixers, dual advising, student review refresh
- GSI Union Meeting: Still in negotiations with UCOP, may advise on grading strike soon
- Cross-Outreach: Beginning stages of uniting outreach (EEGSA and other groups). Sheila Humphreys is the point person for this effort.
- Moderator Poll: Still up and running. Will continue to receive input throughout the year.
Other issues
- Dual advising
- In general, cannot be a bad idea, but issues concerning implementation
- There is a fear that a formalized secondary advisor will be more trouble than it is worth for faculty and students alike
- Some members concerned that faculty will not be willing or interested in such an idea
- Need to obtain from Nathan Cheung details on his ideas for secondary advisor position
- EEGSA should poll for demand, will be highly dependent on wording
- Can issue different questions with different wordings to guard against bias
- Family issues
- Nathan asked EEGSA to poll students for demand for support for family services
- Some ethical concerns – students’ family lives are not the department’s business
- Unless they receive increased financial support!
- Another concern is that if we find a high demand for family services the department will do nothing because they cannot afford it – i.e. it is not an a priori concern
- Need to push back on Nathan Cheung for more details
- Money
- Publicize check processing
- Need to feed Social with remaining budget
Lounge Fridge:
- Someone said they would talk to Mark Davis. Was it Jansen?
- Neel checked the room afterwards – all power jacks are unreceptive.
What else do we want to do?
- Raise awareness of EEGSA’s existence. Announcements at social hour of recent accomplishments would be a good start.
- Having more unsubsidized events would be another good way to raise awareness and have fun. Example would be poker night (we have all the supplies already) or beer night with a nominal entry charge to cover expenses.
- Bobby and Tim are in charge of setting up a poker event.
- Let’s stay away from regular events. Ex. The first board game night thrown was a massive success, but the regular weekly ones (and movie nights) are low in attendance.
Officer Updates
Faculty Interview:
- Chancellor from UC Merced
- Strong student showing (roughly 10)
- Surveys passed around, feedback collected, will be submitted to department
Industrial Liaison:
- Getting some money (need amt) from sponsorships, not a lot
- Switching to donation tactics
- Suggestion: Can we use faculty contacts with industry to get extra money?
- Advertise for GA stuff on website
- Rank advisors on website
- Set up an EEGSA calendar of events (incorporate GA stuff as well)