President Update
- Meeting with Nathan Cheung regarding Dual Advising.
- Moving forward with info sessions for students this week.
- Release survey Friday evening, collect results mid next week and present to faculty.
- Faculty support EEGSA doing the survey as lending it more support and credibility.
- No mention of family issues – matter is considered tabled.
- Meeting with Scott McNally regarding Lounge Moving.
- 4th floor south side renovations begin March 2011, our lounge moves again.
- Spots in consideration: 307, 337A, 550, 504, 367 (roughly in that order, 307 is first)
- Made a strong and clear demand to find a new lounge space prior to moving.
- Ankur: If we don’t receive a spot by end of January, begin to agitate loudly.
- Another option could be to receive two small lounges as opposed to one big space.
Other issues
- GSI Supplement
- Matt suggests bringing ERSO to first session of EE301 next semester.
- Interested volunteers: Rehan, Neel, Matt
- Pull together during dead week: Start with Dana, confirm w/ERSO and 301 faculty
- Student Review Form Rewrite
- Nathan Cheung supports a rewrite that encourages two-way review like CS
- Effort to begin in spring, target implementation for Spring 2012 review
- Interested volunteers: Zach, Kelvin, Neel, Matt
- Visit Day
- Zach and Pat Hernan have begun preliminary talks
- Venue for Monday night social: CITRIS vs BWRC
- CITRIS favored due to higher faculty turnout, despite limited seating
- EEGSA recommends looking into reserving Qualcomm area for event
- More hands on deck needed to move students to Triple Rock afterward
- Important that EEGSA continue not to pay for Visit Day
Officer Reports
- Treasurer (Rehan):
- Budget is confirmed, we are balanced for the semester. $3500/semester from EECS, $500/semester from GA, additional $100-$500 per session from Industrial events.
- GA Liaison (Jeannette, Bobby):
- EECS is currently in a favored supergroup that receives 100% of requested funding from GA. This cannot be counted on in the future.
- GA Liaisons also now to act as filters for GA events to EE grads. Coordinate with Webmaster to post events to website.
- Industrial Liaison:
- EMC session and/or Bar Night during Dead Week are being pursued.
- Internship season is upon us! ILs to pursue this angle for obtaining more infosession opportunities.
- Social Chair:
- Remaining social hours for the semester are filled.
- If Bar Night doesn’t work out, pursue a partially subsidized event (beer with one cup fee, poker, something)
- Prelim Ombuds: Rikky and Kelvin are hosting meeting with Nathan Cheung during Dead Week
- Lounge:
- May be getting an air hockey table soon as a donation.
- If we have a two lounge setup, tables can be split between them.
- Also can brand the lounges and sell the naming rights for some $$
Other Notes
- Ban breadth requirements!
- Have $90 candidacy fee reimbursed!
- Presidents will present a Mission Statement In Capital Letters At Next Meeting
- Webmaster needs to add a link to the Grad Handbook (not there, I just checked)