Group Meeting Schedule

We aim to facilitate the process of matching incoming graduate students with an adviser by making it easier for students to attend group meetings. This page lists the scheduling and other important details of group meetings in the EECS department.

To add your group with your adviser’s permission please send me an email ( with all the relevant details.

Fall semester 2011:


EE meetings:

Professor Elad Alon

Meeting time Wednesdays 1PM
Location 550 Cory

Professor Alex Bayen

Meeting time Tuesdays 2-3PM
Location Changes (Contact)
Added bonus Free coffee and pastry at Pete’s

Professor Jeff Bokor

Meeting time Fridays 12-1PM
Location 554 SDH
Bonus Gregoire sandwich with advance notice

Professor Bernhard Boser

Meeting time Wednesdays 9:30-11:00
Location 258 Cory
Additional Contact to confirm time

Professor Jose Carmena

Meeting time Wednesdays 3-5PM
Location SDH 7th floor conference room
Additional contact Prof. Carmena first (
Contact Ryan Canolty (

Professor Connie Chang-Hasnain

Meeting time Thursdays 4-6pm
Location 521 Cory (Hogan Room)

Professor Ron Fearing

Meeting time Fridays 11:30-12:30
Location Contact

Professor Edward Lee

Meeting time (usually) Wednesdays 12-1PM
Location 337 Cory

Professor Michael Lustig

Meeting time Wednesdays 2-3:30
Location 504 Cory

Professor Andy Neureuther

Meeting time Mondays 11AM
Location 550 Cory (small room near the north end)
Description Informal meeting on lithography

Professor Kris Pister

Meeting time Fridays 12-2PM
Location 367 Cory
Bonus Visiting grad students can get a welcome burrito! (Contact)

Professor Ming Wu

Meeting time Fridays 4-5PM
Location 253M Cory

Professor Eli Yablonovitch

Meeting time Varies, contact to be put on group mailing list

Professor Avideh Zakhor

Augmented reality meeting:
Meeting time Thursdays 9:30AM
Location 307 Cory
3D indoor modeling meeting:
Meeting time Wednesdays 9:30AM
Location 307 Cory
Wireless networking meeting:
Meeting time Thursdays 2PM
Location 212 Cory


CS meetings:

AMP Lab all hands

Meeting time Tuesdays 11:30
Location Woz

Cloud Seminar

Meeting time Wednesdays 3PM
Location Rad Lab

Database Seminar

Meeting time Fridays 12:30
Location Rad Lab

ParLAb All

Meeting time Thursdays 11AM
Location Woz

Theory Lunch

Meeting time Wednesdays 12PM
Location Woz

Theory Seminar

Meeting time Mondays 4PM
Location Woz

Vision Group Meeting

Meeting time Mondays 1PM
Location 240 SDH

Visual Computing Lunch

Meeting time Thursdays 12PM
Location Visual Computing Lab